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Dears IFS Heros


I’m new to IFS and I’m wondering if it is possible to configure IFS out of the box to use multiple authentication options at the same time. 


What I mean is that I want the users to be able to login with basic accounts and if possible link them to google accounts or facebook. So they can use either one to log in to the same account. As if I’m linking a single account with multiple authenitcaitons methods.


So If I singed with facebook then I’m logging to the same account as when I signing with using google.


Is such thing available in IFS IE, Aurena or B2B?



My first reaction is no, but it depends if there is an API that will make it possible to have the social media log in screen pass the data to IFS and check if that is a validated account.

Looking forward to other repliers.


Thank you. So what is the purpose of the multi-factor authentication and the support of OpenID?


Hope someone can clarify that for me.


