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We are in the testing phase of trying to implement AppLocker within our organization.  We quickly ran into an issue with IFS.  We are using App8 SP1+.  IFS does not have a publisher signature and the path to the file Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.exe will change every time we reconfigure the application or even delete the app data folder to force a re download of all of the IFS files to a client's computer.  Are there any suggestions on how to configure AppLocker to allow IFS to run out of Add Data?


Since AppLocker is a third party software, IFS does not have a formal guidelines to configure. On the other hand, IFS uses the ClickOnce technology which is also provided by Microsoft. Although both of these softwares are provided by Microsoft, these technologies are not smoothly compatible to each other. This complication goes beyond the framework scope of IFS. 

This question has already been raised to our support channels sometimes back although the best point of contact would be Microsoft platform.  

I have found following information from internal knowledge search in a answer given by one our colleague. To address this kind of situation, some have found workarounds.

However please note that we are presenting you this information as a courtesy, and we are not responsible for the content presented in that article.
