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We are implemeting IFSCloud.  we’ve defined keyuser to customize it according to the needs of our bussiness. 

As a security officier, I am wondering which access right should I give to key user knowing that they need to see all transactions made in this phase but not grating access right.


Same question for the users of our integrators.


Any one has answer to my question .


Thank a lot 


My recommendation is that you work in parallel with the permissions. The process is a bit more complicated than you believe. In the concept face you should give full access to all active users/persons.

Only when the test users are happy with a process they should try the same process logged on with a specific user-id created by you for the testing of the permission set you have created for that process.

Hope this helps


Thank you for your answer.


Could you specify what “IFS predefined access” is available for this full access ?


Thanks again

The is usually one permission set named IFS_Full that would be your best choice. But do not expect it to be complete. As new presentation objects are created in the development processes the update of this permission set is sometimes forgotten….
