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When working with BPA Worfklows, User Interaction Type, there is a way to hide the cancel button:




The result is as follows:




You can see that while the Cancel button is hidden, the Exit Cross at the top left is not.


I’m getting some weird behavior where, if you do NOT hide the Cancel button, then clicking the Cross effectively acts as a cancellation button, and cancels the workflow execution


If you DO hide the button however, clicking the exit cross causes the following error:



Is there a way to either hide the cross entirely, or make the cross behave in a fashion that does not result in an error? (For example, calling a separate task or api etc if the user hits the cross).


Basically, is there a way to control for the user hitting the cross in any way if you’ve hidden the Cancel button from the form ?


As far as I'm aware, there is currently no method to completely hide the cross from the user form.

I noticed you have enabled trace log details; could you try disabling trace logs and see if that still results in an error when you hit the cross in this instance?


Thank you :)


I’m willing to try but I’m not sure where I would do that ? Where in the application do I disable trace logs as you suggested ?


In IFS menus you can Navigate to Profile and Settings >> Debug >> Enable devtools link. This should be marked as enabled for you. You can click again to disable it 

You can see bit more information in the techdocs:


In IFS menus you can Navigate to Profile and Settings >> Debug >> Enable devtools link. This should be marked as enabled for you. You can click again to disable it 

You can see bit more information in the techdocs:



Thank you very much.


I can confirm that with DevTools disabled, I don’t get the error pop up when I click the exit cross if the Cancel button is hidden.


It’s unfortunate there is no current way to hide the exit cross. I assume this means there is also therefore no way to control for the user clicking said cross? Like I can’t intercept that exit action and make the workflow do something specific ?


Also, sorry if this is slightly tangential, and this is likely a newbie question here (I’m quite experienced with Apps10 but fairly new at Cloud), but I have a workflow IFS API trying to call FrameworkServices to Get Current User Information as I need to check some of the values present in the return information (such as the preferred language) as part of a later logic gate:



But I’m getting an error when inspecting the workflow saying this :




Other API calls like “GetCurrentUserId” work just fine and I can then use the call return value name as ${GetCurrentUserId}, but because this particular method returns a json with multiple values (I think) it seems to say that.


However I’ve googled this error message and came up blank. How do I define the source and types for these “Attribute Definitions” ?

Actually does not seem like the multi values replied to by the API are the cause of this error message, nor the fact it’s a custom type of UserInfo, because GetFndUserInformation(UserId), which also replies a custom Type of FndUserInfo, works without any issue whatsoever.


Any idea why GetFndUserInformation(UserId) works, but GetCurrentUserInformation() does not ?
