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In order to facilitate the customer I've prepared something I've called the Permission Set Generator. This Excel with some macros will prepare an XML permission set based upon flags per entity set by the key user in a csv (text file). The XML is correctly generated, the XML with the permission set defined can be imported in IFS23R1.

However, a Permission Sets Import Log is prepared. Nice, but the content, of the log file, for my set (as generated per the Permission Set Generator) is as follows:

Import Permission Sets      04-09-2023

FINMGR Add Started
ORA-20111: FndProjEntity.FND_RECORD_NOT_EXIST: The Fnd Proj Entity does not exist.
ORA-20111: FndProjEntity.FND_RECORD_NOT_EXIST: The Fnd Proj Entity does not exist.
ORA-20111: FndProjEntity.FND_RECORD_NOT_EXIST: The Fnd Proj Entity does not exist.
ORA-20111: FndProjEntity.FND_RECORD_NOT_EXIST: The Fnd Proj Entity does not exist.
ORA-20112: FndProjectionGrant.FND_RECORD_EXIST: The Fnd Projection Grant already exists.
FINMGR Add successfully Finished

****** Import Summary ******

1 of 1 permission sets imported successfully

-- 1 new permission set/s added

Now my set is not all too big at this moment (only a few entities included), but what if it larger?

The permission set FINMGR is imported, but I've no clue which entity has a problem.

What, IFS, is the sense of a log file that shows something is wrong, but not stating what is wrong?


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