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In the case f my customer, It was agreed to set up juste one Base Profile and have the possibility to use Personnel Profile by users.

After starting, severel personalizations have been stored in the Base profile by administrator, and in the Personnel Profile by the users.

The problem, when the customer decides the retroacvtivity on a personalization of Base Profile.

Case:  making a field non mandatory, initially this field was made mandatory in the Base Profil. When applying this Base profile again, the modification is not visible to some users, bacause they had made some personalizations on the same window,  stored in the Personnel Profil, because by definition,  and as standard, it is the Personal Profile that takes precedence (which have priority).


Have you any solutions for this case?


than you in advance for your help.



Hi Ouahiba,

   Personal Profile takes precedence. So base profile changes are not visible if the item was modified in the personal profile.

But you can copy a change from one profile to multiple profiles in one go as in the documentation. I think that is the way to do it.


check section for “Distribute to many Profiles” at


Best regards

/Rajith De Silva

Hi Rajith,

Than you for response and responsiveness :wink:

I’am aware of the option “Distribute to many Profiles” that can be used when there is an addition of personalization, but in the case ot deletion, there will be nothing to distribute, so the concern to update the personal profile impose on us empty it.


Best regards,





I would use this approach, there is a feature to delete keys from multiple profiles:

  1. Identify the key(s) that you have now set as desired in the Base Profile but want to remove from user’s Personal Profile.
  1. In one of the user’s Personal Profile,  open the navigator to find that key
  2. Right-click on it and select “Delete Values in Profiles”
  1. Select all of the user Personal Profiles you want to delete the key from
  2. Use the radio buttons at the bottom to choose how you want the deletion process to handle keys in subsections under the one you are deleting.
  3. Click OK to delete the key from all of the Personal Profiles.

There is no need to fully clear user profiles, and the key in the Base will no longer be overridden by the same key in the Personal because the key no longer exists in the Personal profile.



Hi @Ouahiba Dorbane,
Also check KBAs