A week ago, I successfully installed UPD5 to Apps 10 in my DEV environment with only one error reported in the installer.log and no errors reported in the IFSDEV10_configuration.log. Yesterday, I ran the UPD5 against my MGR environment and it reported a “partial Failure” with the following error in IFSMGR10_configuration.log
2019-10-17 17:51:59 Running ant script E:\ifs\mws\ifsmgr10\repository\server\install_fndmws.xml, target post for component server
gjava]: Java Result: 1
Error in Ant-script: server\install_fndmws.xml
Reported error is: The following error occurred while executing this line:
E:\ifs\mws\ifsmgr10\repository\server\install_fndmws.xml:237: Failed to install Middelware Server! Error is: Call to stopAllServers not successful.
Failures detected when updating IFS Middleware Home, see logs for more details.
Has anyone else seen this particular error? I am able to successfully stop and start the middleware instance for this environment, we can login to MGR with no errors, but I am still worried about the error reported.