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SMS Gateway Integration with IFS ERP 9

  • 9 December 2019
  • 8 replies



We would like to use SMS gateway to send some notification from IFS ERP System to the end users by SMS. For example, Purchase Order waiting for your approval. 


Is it possible ? Does any one had a chance working with such configuration ? 


For which IFS Application version you are referring this question? (Application 10, 9, 8 or old)




For which IFS Application version you are referring this question? (Application 10, 9, 8 or old)



it is Application 9.




Did you check the documentation under the below link? or
under your IFS documentation site <.../foundation1/040_administration/240_integration/300_ifs_connect/010_configure_connect/060_transport_connectors/configure_http_transport_connector.htm > 


Most phones will accept SMS messages sent to them via email. For example, to send an SMS message to a Verizon phone,

  1. Compose a new email and use the recipient’s mobile phone number as the email address, with the addition of “” at the end.
  2. For example, if the phone number is 555-123-4567, type “”
  3. Make sure you keep your message under 140 characters. (Remove your email signature before sending, if you use one.)

Hi @Ahmed Al Habsi, have you had a look at the Touch App called Notify Me? This app is designed to notify users about pending PR/PO authorizations, in addition to other things like supplier invoices, time sheets etc.

Hi @Ahmed Al Habsi ,

There are many SMS integration platforms which has HTTP APIs and you should be able to integrate with IFS.

Clickatell is widely used SMS platforms and you can check whether your region is supported.

I haven’t test this myself this but worth looking.



I need to understand more about the steps.

I have created a simple integration with Clickatell SMS platform .It was done in Apps 10 using REST connector. I hope similar configuration should be possible in Apps9 as well.

Pls read my blog post for more details on how to configure the SMS integration


Hope it will be useful.

