I have the reader working but if I set up the sender with the same details there appears to be no network traffic at all and just an error message:-
Is there something missing from the documentation ?
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What just happened to my screen shots ?
Online documentation
Misunderstood as the file being output instead of the file on the destination
Entered on Routing screen
Should have been
error address data configuration
after I applied and retested your solution I still get the same error message. What am I doing wrong?
Unfortunately this seems to be a generic error message for anything wrong. It did this to me when I left a space on the end of the hostname on the connect setup screen :(
Could you supply screenshots of routing address, sftp connect details and your knownhosts file.
Routing address screenshot
sftp connect screenshot
It looks OK. Check to ensure no trailing spaces and the sftp_knownhosts file was created with the host, username and password as entered on this screen. Opened in notepad is should start with the destination then the encryption method (i think) followed by lots of what is I assume an encrypted string containing something - possible 200-400 characters ( repository.jehall.co.uk ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADA).
I presume that putting these details into something like filezilla connects with no trouble.
2 years later and this problem still persists. I get the same message when I use the address tester. I’ve done everything that has been described in this thread but cannot get an SFTP sender to work.
I too experienced this issue. Even IFS was not sure why I was getting it. Here is what resolved it.
IFS kept saying it could not connect to the host. What was really happening is that it could not write to the host based on the format defined in the address data. Take note of the sequence of the address data that is now working. The file name is first, and then the directory. I thought it should have been the other way around. Also, I had been adding a slash / at the end of the file directory, which was also incorrect.