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We have a third party application which raises Fault Reports in IFS (Apps 10 Update 9) via a SOAP API call.

Intermittently, we get server time out errors, causing the API request to fail. When the third party application re-tries later it normally works then however will occasionally time out again.

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

HTTP Requests from the application to IFS go via reverse proxy.

Are there any settings within IFS/Oracle WebLogic which cause the server to “sleep” for which the spin-up time to wake up is too long for the external application, causing the time out?

Its either the reverse proxy or IFS causing the issue and I suspect its IFS because we use the reverse proxy for other things too and don’t have this problem with any of those - only the IFS connection.

You can check couple of screens for timeout settings:

  1. IFS Middleware Console:
MW Console

 There is another screen that you can check in IFS. Check whether you have set any values instead of UNLIMITED for oracle profiles. There can be multiple Oracle profiles and users are bound to one of those

Oracle Profile


Thank you - I checked the Oracle Profile and everything is set to UNLIMITED.

In the IFS Middleware Console, are you able to provide some insight into which settings should be reviewed/consider changing? I looked at the Help documentation in there but it contained virtually no relevant or useful information.

Have you confirmed the above time out behaviour with entries inside the MWS logs? I would recommend this as a first step prior to tweaking above settings.

I’ll check the logs and see what they reveal, however I have confirmed the settings are set the same as in your sceeenshots. 

I have been through all the log files I can find on the App server and found nothing relating to the connection attempts - are you able to confirm which log file to check?

Were you able to resolve this issue? We are experiencing the same issue at this time. 

No, we never figured out why it happens, and it still happens. We’re about to upgrade the server resource today and hopefully see whether that makes a difference, but I don’t have high hopes.

May be it is a time out from the reverse proxy. Try to cross check the server timeout time and TCP idle timeout value of the proxy. If the values are almost like, increase the TCP idle time value from the proxy server and check. (Wonder what is proxy used)