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I know the installation script can grab ACPs from a folder location, but this requires downtime.

I know the Aurena GUI application can accept ACP ZIP files, but doing this in a web browser requires a mouse and can’t be scripted. When deploying a lot of ACPs, it’s too easy to miss one.


I’d like a process for deploying ACPs in a brutally repeatable fashion (i.e. scripted) without causing end user downtime.


So far, I figured out I can POST to this entity set to create a new object:



This gives me the Objkey to use for GET requests:



I can’t figure out how to build the correct payload for this PATCH request. The debug consoles in Chrome and Firefox aren’t showing me the request payload.


What payload does this ImportFile request need?




After this, I expect to call these and can probably figure out the next steps after I get the binary file uploaded.







I got the binary ZIP upload working.


# I tested this in PowerShell 7.3.
# JSON behavior might be a little different if you're on a different version.

Install-Module powershell-yaml

$ifscloud_values_path = '\\\c$\IFS\PRD\UB1-MWS-2213UB\ifsroot\config\ifscloud-values.yaml'

$ifscloud_values = Get-Content -Path $ifscloud_values_path -Raw
$ifscloud_values = $ifscloud_values | ConvertFrom-Yaml

$basic_username = 'IFSADMIN'
$basic_password = $
$credential_plaintext = "$($basic_username):$($basic_password)"
$credential_bytes = =System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($credential_plaintext)
$credential_base64 = =Convert]::ToBase64String($credential_bytes)
$hostname = $
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.DictionaryryString],]String]]"
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($credential_base64)")

$global:hostname = $hostname
$global:headers = $headers

Function Post-Projection {
param($service_and_set, $body_hashtable)
$uri = 'https://' + $global:hostname +
'/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/' + $service_and_set
$body = $body_hashtable | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
If (!$body) {
$body = '{}'
$method = 'POST'
$response =
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Uri $uri -Method $method -Headers $global:headers -Body $body

Function Patch-ProjectionBinary {
param($service_and_set, $etag, $payload_path)
$headers_local = $global:headers
$headers_local.Remove('If-Match') | Out-Null
$headers_local.Add("If-Match", $etag)
$uri = 'https://' + $global:hostname +
'/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/' + $service_and_set
$method = 'PATCH'
$response = `
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Uri $uri -Method $method -Headers $headers_local -Infile $payload_path

$post_response = Post-Projection `
-service_and_set 'AppConfigPackageHandling.svc/AppConfigPackageVirtualSet' `
-body_hashtable $(@{
'Name' = 'Cloud upgrade project'
'Version' = '1.0'
'Author' = 'Acme'
'Origin' = 'PRDCDB-123456-acmeprd'
'Description' = 'Cloud upgrade project'
$etag = $post_response.'@odata.etag'

$file_path = 'C:\my_acps\'
$patch_response = Patch-ProjectionBinary `
-service_and_set `
$('AppConfigPackageHandling.svc/AppConfigPackageVirtualSet' +
"(Objkey='$($objkey)')/ImportFile") `
-etag $etag `
-payload_path $file_path


One other suggestion that might be open to you is to use an RPA tool to automate the Aurena interactions.  Perfect use of RPA if you have one available, and easily repeatable.


@durette we are trying to do something similar.

We are using postman to make a proff of concept. where you able to test your script via postman please? if so, how did you implement the ImportFile action please?

We don’t think that the file is well uploaded 


Also, do you know where the logFile is generated please?

Thank you

@IFSRUNINNOVAL, I can’t tell from your screenshot where you’re stuck, but regardless, if you get it working in Postman, what’s next?

Postman is good if you’re in the very earliest stages of developing an integration or if you’re learning about web services for the first time, but it doesn’t set you up for the next step. It’s like starting a climb on a short ladder, only to later find you need a taller one. I’d rather start on the lowest rung of a tall ladder that will get me where I want to go. That’s why I like to use my final language for prototyping, usually PowerShell for little bespoke integrations. Whatever I prototype in this way can grow into a full-blown production script without ever having to port it, and if I need something even bigger than PowerShell, I can usually migrate my PowerShell script over to C# because they’re both based on the .NET libraries.


Thank’s for the response ​@durette 

i was prototyping using postman. i’ll try powershell.

Were you also able to implement UnzipAcpFile and FetchItemSetInfo please?


Kind regards
