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We are currently on 22R2 for IFS Cloud and we have encountered an error. I created a quick report to pull some values via SQL and we want to schedule this report to attach an excel file of the output onto an email and send it to our users.

We scheduled the report and have the emailing set up properly, but we never received any emails. The only thing we received was this error on the print manager logs.




“Exception while generating Plugin Output Caused by: Error while rendering the report. 11 retries were made. The last error message is Server returned a status other than OK: 500 Message: Internal Server Error”

@bdoucette can you also check the application messages? Are there any errors there as well?

One time when I scheduled a quick report, I was also getting errors in the Background Job that the user didn’t have access to run the Quick Report.

Hi @Marcel.Ausan 

It never hit the application messages, once it failed on the print manager it stopped. The permissions are fine, I double checked they can access all quick reports and I added the specific projection for this one quick report. It seems there might be an error with the system not knowing when to export as excel, but im not sure how else a SQL quick report would be exported…


Hi @bdoucette,

I have noticed this error due to ifsapp-reporting-ren container failure as well. Could you please try restarting your ifsapp-reporting-ren Pods in Kubernetes and see if the error persists? In addition, please try a Quick Report that would yield a small result set to narrow down whether the error is caused by the QR itself. 

Hope this helps!

Hi @Charith Epitawatta 

I’m not entirely sure how to restart that without back-end access but I just got the report I scheduled last week. Nothing changed so maybe the ifsapp-reporting-ren pods in Kubernetes restarted over the weekend. Either way, the issue seems to be fixed now.

Thank you for the support and investigation though.


@Charith Epitawatta  is there any way on IFS cloud to identify by ourselves that the container is throwing errors? Would be very helpful to provide this info to the admin users

