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restrict access to specific fields to specific users

  • 23 May 2020
  • 6 replies

We use permissions sets to specify whether users have none, query or full access to screens, but if for example 10 users in a permission set have full access to a screen, whats the easiest way to only allow 1 of them to update a specific field on that screen?


Thanks, Chris.

Custom event / event action. Not sure how you can do it differently. 

You cannot define permissions for field/column level using standard permission set functionality. It will only be possible for the presentation object / window level to grant read/write permission and also to control actions like RMB using specific database methods. One possible thing to do is, grant write access to the window and set all other field read only via the profile and left the one you want that use to update. However, this is not a good security restriction and also trickly.


As noted in the above reply, we can not define permission sets at column/filed level. 

However, the following thread discusses about using custom events as a workaround.

Will this ever be on the roadmap? We often need to restrict screens by field, particularly on Customers but also for Managers versus standard employees. 

For IFS Enterprise Explorer client (IEE) you might consider creating a new instance of the particular page or form customizing the layout (hiding fields, etc) and using profiles to manage who sees what version of any given page.

The new Aurena client adds the possibility to create new “contexts” for any page and you can manage what users see what context.

Rick, thanks for the response. Right now we are on APPS10 UPD7 and therefore the context only allows us 1 for our company. I believe that switches to Roles in UPD8 or 9? 


Can I make a field Read-Only via context?

Scenario - We want to mark a Business Opportunity as a top one for our company, however, we only want our top-level managers to make that designation. We want all salespersons to see the selection. We created a Custom Field for the selection, however, the ability to make that custom field read-only on some and not others is the issue.
