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I am setting up a new report in the same location as my other Operational reports but get the following error.  How do I resolve this?

The Report layout file AgrShopOrderPrint_test.rpt does not exist in the Crystal Web Service


  1. Check if the file name given in the report definition is the correct physical file name.
  1. Check the language you select in the print dialog is the same folder that you copied the layout to. E.g. if you select ‘en’ then the layout should be located inside a ‘en’ folder of the crystal layout files root location. You will get the error if you copied the layout to the ‘en’ folder and select another language which is not ‘en’ language from the print dialog. If the folder given in the “OpenReportPath” in the Web.Config file is C:\ReportLayouts, and the language you select from the print dialog is ‘en’, the layout should be located in C:\ReportLayouts\en folder. You will get the error is you copy the layout as this way and select a different language (e.g. ‘sv’) from the print dialog.




Thank you Chanaka Amarasekara in addition it appears that after I did a db copy from our production environment to our COR environment I forgot to repoint the Crystal Web Service instances in the system parameter to our COR crystal Web service. All the combined fixed the issue. 


Appreciate the quick response!