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We want to install a new TEST-environment and name it to IFSTEST3 (the copy is from IFSTEST2).

I have already made a RMAN restore and have the new DB copy ready. But how to create a new instance the easiest way? We have 139 deliveries and I don´t want to install all these manually.

I don’t have all the details to hand but IFS provides a tool (may depend on version?) to backup an existing Application Server that can then be used to either restore as a backup or restore it as a clone with a different name, which is what you would need.

Look in the instance\<name>\bin folder for the create_backup.cmd file.  Details for use including parameters should be in the F1 tech docs or maybe you can review the cmd file itself.

There is then a restore_clone equivalent that is used to extract and rename the target instance that you would then use.


Which version of IFS are you on?

Have you renamed your database using RMAN in prep for this?

Are you putting this on the same Middleware host?

Assuming you still have the Build software, we ran the ….\Build???\installer\os\windows\installer.cmd to create a new IFS Home, rather than create a new instance within the same environment. Although creating a new instance in the same environment I think would get around the issue of needing to apply releases…..

Regarding applying patches to a fresh install, there are ways to pull all of your IFS fixes together into one big release, then running a patch installation as per usual.

It can be done, regardless of version.
