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Hello! We’re trying to call Crystal Web Services via the URL Custom Menu Action in IFS 8. Currently I can render the report using the following URL syntax:


The custom menu operates as expected, but we would like to grab a field value off of the IFS form and pass it along to Crystal Web Services, much like we would with a PL/SQL action or otherwise. Does the (I assume) IFS developed CR1.ASPX page support the passing of parameters? If so, what is the syntax?

Some syntax we’ve tried with testing:




Any help or information about the capabilities of the ASP.NET page CR1.aspx would be most appreciated!

Thanks in advance.


So it turns out this was developed by someone internally and this knowledge was lost in transition. This is not an IFS issue!



Hello @Randy 


I read your post and I am looking for something similar.

Could you please share directions in how you can pass the parameters to a crystal report?
