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I have been asked whether it is possible to reorder content of the selector in Incident Management

On clicking on the selector item to view more detail we can see the following:

The head of department has asked if we can order the items e.g.  


Cause Analysis



Is this possible in IFS Apps 10 using page designer.  if yes, could you please advise.

If not, would we be able to do this in IFS Cloud 24R1?

Thank you.


@RutJWhalen this cannot be changed from the Page Designer. The fact is that each of the ‘selector contents’ is a different page on itself. You can only modify the order by doing a modification in the Aurena Client file.


@Marcel.Ausan  Thank you so much for your reply.  Just one more thing am I right in thinking that this would be possible in IFS Cloud?

@Marcel.Ausan  Thank you so much for your reply.  Just one more thing am I right in thinking that this would be possible in IFS Cloud?


You can actually do this in both Aurena and Cloud without modifying the client files, but it’s a bit of a pain:


  1. It doesn’t use the Page Designer, but the Navigator Designer (for the reason @Marcel.Ausan mentioned, Page Designer acts at PAGE level, but these entries are their own pages and therefore their structure is recorded at NAVIGATOR level, not PAGE Level)




  1. The reason I say this is a pain is because the Navigator designer WILL NOT let you modify the order of existing Tabs (can’t drag and drop and move things around). It DOES however let you hide then add/recreate tabs, like this:




  1. This is the output of the above once published and client restarted:



Hope that helps!


Thank you for your answer. 

I have actually done this once before but quite a while ago.   Your reminder was much appreciated. 

I have successfully made my changes but found I could not drag’n’drop to move into the correct order. 


I therefore took screen shots of the item setup and then deleted lines that did not appear in the order required.  Luckily some of the items I wanted to display after Investigation were mostly in the correct order so only ended up deleting 2 items before Investigation and then deleted 1 further lines then re-add the 3 items in the order required.  

Much appreciated.

