
Query build will not allow to select (First Distinct) value of Part Description

  • 2 March 2020
  • 7 replies

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I have created a fairly simple query here selecting all order lines in a “Planned” or “Released” status, where Part No is like “-”, and any value in part description.  I then sum the Sales Qty for the Part No that is grouped.


Our issue is our Part Description is not unique so I really do not need to separate by part description, but if I do not group with it the field does not return values.  As you can see for Part No  100-ST50 we have a description of Diamond 20# and a description of Diamond 20lb,  I simply need the first description shown for a reference and need the subtotal for part no to include all entries so the subtotal for part no 100-ST50 should be 950.  I do not know how to have SQL simply return the first distinct value for part description.




7 replies

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@Harley  - I am probably going to move forward with the Quick Report for this , however I am intrigued by your suggestion to add a Reference Type custom field.  We have a table within IFS that now has distinct values for these part numbers but I cannot find where or how to tie to that table from this particular query.  Since I am looking in the “Customer Order Lines” table, how do I pull a reference from a field in a different table within IFS?   Any help you can give here is greatly appreciated. :-)


@lmckim - if you are using IFS9 or greater, you can add a Custom Field to the CustomerOrderLine logical unit. The reference i was referring to in this case was CustomerOrderLine → SalesPart → Part Catalog.






Userlevel 7
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Just to add some clarity for anyone who may come across this reply.  My solution is only a pre-filter, it does not allow for displaying the result of a join from another table.  You can display the join results using a Quick Report, but the simplified queries on a particular view won't pull in the value from another table as part of the query result. If you need it to be just a search and not a quick report, then the custom field from @Harley is the only solution to get it to be part of the display results.

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The limitation is that you cannot apply any aggregation function to non-numeric fields in the Group/Sum column. If you could apply a min/max to the Sales Part Description then this would be a simple fix. Of course this would be possible within a quick report. 

Whilst this might not be the most efficient solution, you could add a Reference type custom field to Customer Order Line, to retrieve the Part Catalog Description. This would be unique per part and could be included in the group by condition.




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@Harley  - I am probably going to move forward with the Quick Report for this , however I am intrigued by your suggestion to add a Reference Type custom field.  We have a table within IFS that now has distinct values for these part numbers but I cannot find where or how to tie to that table from this particular query.  Since I am looking in the “Customer Order Lines” table, how do I pull a reference from a field in a different table within IFS?   Any help you can give here is greatly appreciated. :-)


Userlevel 7
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You can retrieve information from another table in simplistic queries using sub-queries on the other table/field.  Here is one I wrote last week for a user to retrieve RMA lines based on a field that is in the header of the customer order (REGION_CODE).  This allows the user to select only the RMA lines applicable to their region even though the region_code is not carried down to the RMA line overview.


DATE_REQUESTED < trunc(to_date( '#TODAY#', 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS' ))-45 and DATE_RETURNED is null  and (OBJSTATE = (select &AO.RETURN_MATERIAL_LINE_API.FINITE_STATE_ENCODE__('Planned') from dual) or OBJSTATE = (select &AO.RETURN_MATERIAL_LINE_API.FINITE_STATE_ENCODE__('Released') from dual)) and ORDER_NO in (select order_no from inst1app.customer_order_cfv where contract in ('210','220','510','520','581') and REGION_CODE = '&REGION_CODE')


In this manner, you don’t have to add multiple custom fields on multiple views.

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@ShawnBerk  this sounds exactly what I am looking for,  I know I have the Part Description as unique in the inventory part in stock table.  Can I contact you via email to send you an example of my SQL for you to take a look at?

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Shawn - Thanks so much for clarifying for me.  I will proceed with Quick Report.
