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I'm experiencing a problem that is repeated every week, I'm losing a large part of the basic profile settings! I've deactivated the standard profile of my user account to avoid conflicts but the problem isn't solved, do you have any idea why I keep losing the profile settings please ?

Hi Abdel - I’m sorry you’re having this problem. Are you using the MWM product (formerly Clevest)? This forum is just for users of the MWM suite. I think there is probably a more suitable forum for your question out there.



Hi @Abdel 

check this link: Shortcuts disappearing- IFS10 | IFS Community

It is the same issue.

How do you log out from IFS?

Instead of closing the window, always use the Exit function.


Hi @Link ,

   Thank you for your answer. I want to informe you that i don’t lose the last updates on the profil only but the profil make like a reset for some objects, I always register the profil before closing the IFS window, but i close IFS without the menu Exit, it could be the problem ?


Hi @Abdel 

yes, this could damage your profile. And in my opinion your profile is already damaged.

Maybe you should reset it. 

Give this information to all your colleagus in the company to avoid any profile issues.
