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I have a problem with Update 10 for IFS 10.




Installation is complete, but partially. RAM of 40GB has been increased, free disk space is available. The installation was repeated. The installation was made on two instances.

Below is an error message:



2021-03-01 05:52:22 Configuring IFS Middleware Server
2021-03-01 05:52:22 Running ant script C:\IFS\ifsbnt\repository\server\install_fndmws.xml, target configure for component server
bjava]: Java Result: 1
Error in Ant-script: server\install_fndmws.xml
Reported error is: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\IFS\ifsbnt\repository\server\install_fndmws.xml:237: Failed to install Middelware Server! Error is: Failures detected when updating IFS Middleware Home, see logs for more details.


Check whether MW Home is indicated there in Oracle central inventory.  You will be found the information in the file inventory.xml that is there in the  below location

C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\ContentsXML

Above could be one of the reasons for the given error.

Another reason could be insufficient space of the Oracle tablespace.



<HOME NAME="OraClient12Home1" LOC="C:\app\client\Administrator\product\12.2.0\client_1" TYPE="O" IDX="1"/>



As per this the MW Home information is not there. 

This information is get registered in the initial installation and this could be happen due to errors in initial installation. You may compare with another environment where you do not get this error.




can I have an example of such an entry?


Check below kind of tag in a environment where the error does not appear.

<HOME NAME="OraHome1" LOC="C:/XXXX_DV/ifs_home/mw_home/mws" TYPE="O" IDX="1"/>

Thanks. I try it


Check below kind of tag in a environment where the error does not appear.

<HOME NAME="OraHome1" LOC="C:/XXXX_DV/ifs_home/mw_home/mws" TYPE="O" IDX="1"/>

This same problem after add it in inventory for my instance. 

Tablespaces  on Oracle are OK. 


Any idea? 



How did you add that .. Is it by just editing  the file or have you used any commands to register? 




How did you add that .. Is it by just editing  the file or have you used any commands to register? 


I edited my file 



There should be another way to do that. The above given tag is an example which I copied from another environment. Adding exactly that should not be correct.  There should be another way like commands to do  that or any other way


I have edited the entry according to my environment



Just adding the entry to inventory.xml by editing it will not work in this case.


If this not the Production environment, you can restore the database and IFS_home from the backups which you’ve taken before installing UPD10. Then, you can edit the invenry.xml with the correct value. Then try application reconfiguration. If it’s successful, you can install the UPD10 again.


Note: If UPD10 is already applied to database, you do not need to restore the database backup and you can restore IFS_HOME only and follow the rest of the steps mentioned previously. In that case, when reinstalling the UPD10 make sure to deselect all options in “Database import and deploy” as your database is already updated according to UPD10.




@DominikaM To attach the Oracle Home to the Central Inventory, you can execute below script:


However, manually updating the file should work too, if you have done it correctly. 

The error you have mentioned in the description occurs due to many issues and you are often able find more clues by going through logs in \\IFS_HOME>\wls_domain\DEV1APP10\servers folder. What you see in the configuration log is more of a generic error. Inside this folder, you would find sub-folders for each server in IFS MWS, such as Main Server, Integration server etc. and you can find the logs for each of them.

If you are still unable to figure out the cause of the issue after going through the logs, it would be best to open a case with IFS. Please make sure to upload an IFS Dump as well when you do. You can create a dump by running ifsdump.cmd script located directly inside IFS Home folder. The dump will contain all the log files necessary for investigating the issue. 

Hope this helps!