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Hello Community,

after installation of IFS, the processes will start all correctly (startifsAPPS10.bat).

The website will shown https://HOSTNAME:48080 correctly. But when I start EE it will be get an 404 Error. There is no service under https://HOSTNAME:48080/main/default/clientgateway

Does anyone have an idea?



Hi @MartinTheBittner 

Seems like you are having an issue in deployments. Check whether there are any failed deployments using in the IFS admin console. If so, start it and try to log in (please note that it may take some time to start the server).



Thanks for the reply,


Can you tell me the Port of the Administration Console? I’ve never see it before.




Re-run the installer and run through the reconfiguration again entering all of the passwords.


I have had this, it was though in a clustered environment and the cluster needed breaking, “reconfiguration” even though there is no real reconfiguration.


I also had this when practicing installs where I changed my mind on the HTTPS connectivity type and used the back button, it does not seem to like this, I had to delete the entire config and start again. 

including deleting the folder structure and all the files starting the build from scratch

hope this helps



I just had the same issue in our test system.


It was because the database was in a restricted mode.


Check on the status of the oracle database.

Thanks for the reply,


Can you tell me the Port of the Administration Console? I’ve never see it before.





In application10 environment, you can direct to Admin console by appending “\admin” to the landing page URL. You have to log in to this using credentials of the user 'ifs' 

