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Hi All,


I’m bit confused about how PLSQL method works for inbound messages with binary data (eg: incoming PDF)

My interpretation of the documentation is that the IFS framework will encode input binary file to base64, placed in the BIN_DATA attribute of framework generated XML; thus the input of the PLSQL method is an XML. 

Both examples in the documentation were also written considering that the input is a XML 

However, my experience was that input clob for the PL SQL method is actual file data instead of a XML.

Am I confused with the documentation or is is there anything I have missed?

Example Function just return the input:


Application Message with Message Response PDF

My assumption was the response would be a XML with encoded file data; instead it’s actual input file




It was a NOOB mistake and found the answer.

Documentation and the functionality works as it should.

I was trying to return the input ‘thinking’ I should get the framework created XML but what happens under the hood is since the return message has the BINARY_PARAMETER/BIN_DATA element, framework extracts the binary file and send as output.

For someone who’s curious, here’s how the input XML clob looks like

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<BINARY_PARAMETER xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ifsrecord="urn:ifsworld-com:ifsrecord" xmlns="urn:ifsworld-com:schemas:connectframework_binary_parameter" ifsrecord:state="new">
<BIN_DATA ifsrecord:datatype="Binary" ifsrecord:dirty="true">

