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 Good morning everyone,


I post this topic cause after many hours of research I can’t find a solution about using an API.

Here is my problem : 


I have to build an flow for make an insertion of data in IFS DB.

I did it on the application and use the debug window for see what kind of API is called.


After analyse, I see this : 



I understood the parameters are checked in the FndTempsLobs API which is genering a LobID and this LobID is the payload of the PickSelected API.


My question is :


  • How can I give the inforamtion PICK_LIST_NO, SOURCE_REF1, QTY_TO_PICK, etc… to the FndTempsLobs API ? 

The documentation show us the only payload is CreatedByModule :



My 2nd question is :


  • The LobID generated contains the previous information ? 


Thx a lot for your help and sorry if my explication are confused.

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