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When I preview a purchase order selecting en or de as language I get different overall line spacing on the pfd generated.

When selecting en (english) as language the line spaceing is larger  then when I select de (german).

I use the same layout only selecting different language.

I have no report rule that is formatting the layout.

What else could format the  pdf differently depending on language?

Hi @atvanst,

Do you use Java PrintAgent or .NET based print agent?

Thank you


Maybe you have a different font mapped when you preview the report in ‘de’. Check “Report Font > Font Mapping” and see if there is a font substitution for ‘de’. Another way to check is to get the properties of the PDF file and in the ‘Font’ tab check if the fonts are the same when the language is ‘en’ and ‘de’.

If not, maybe there is a property condition in the layout making the line spacing more if the language is not ‘en’. You will have to open the layout in Report Designer Tool and check this.

Another thing is that maybe the German font characters takes more space than the English font characters hence making it feels like it takes more space.


We had a font substitution in place for English, not sure why.

When I remove this oen in TEST I get same line spacing in all languages.

Thanks for your quick on this:-)

