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I have been attempting to pass a couple of parameters to a quick report via a lobby element, but I need this to happen without the Quick Report Query prompt where the user has to press “OK”. 

In other word, is it possible to pass the parameters silently/suppress the window prompt? 


For context: I am making ~20 quick reports that are all based off of the same logic.

Simplified query below:

Select * from ifsapp.absence_registration where absence_type_id = “X” having sum(abs_duration)>Y”

and instead of having to copy/paste this to 20 different reports, changing these 2 variables and making it a nightmare to maintain if any changes were to happen, I’d like to have one report where I simply pass these 2 variables via the lobby elements navigation url doing the following:


Changing the query to: 

Select * from ifsapp.absence_registration where absence_type_id = ‘&ABSENCE_TYPE_ID’ having sum(abs_duration)>’&ABS_DURATION’

and in the lobby element I am then using the URL of:



Which populates the parameter as expected, but I get the window prompt up which I want to suppress

Is this at all possible? Having attempted to look this up for a few hours I’ve hit a dead end. Documentation mentions nothing of it, and the only thing I found was mention of Custom Menu -- but I have been unable to find the connection between the report running with suppressed prompt and a custom menu which seems to just straight up run the report from somewhere.


Overall I got over 50 reports that has to be made, but it can be reduced down to maybe 4 or 5 different quick reports for ease of maintenance if I can achieve this. 


Thank you!

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