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Our IntServer1 has unexpectedly quit working

  • 3 February 2023
  • 6 replies

We have IFS10 UPD10 and our Middleware has been working fine for almost two years.

Unexpectedly, our users’ connections were refused. We’ve got the message:  ‘No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it’. We’ve checked the port 443 and there is no issue.

When I looked into our middleware servers, MainServer1 is running fine but the IntServer1 shows as RED even though it shows as ‘RUNNING’. I had to restart the Middleware. This has happened two days in a row.

So what could have caused the failing Integration server? Does anybody have any idea? 



6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @lmwwenxu,

You would have to go through the Int Server log files as the initial step of troubleshooting. Could you attach the Int Server logs from following folder in you application server?


Sort the above directory by the modified date and then look for the log files that have the .out and .log extensions. Make sure to get the log files for the day the issue occurred.

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hi, Charith,

Thank you for your message. 

I’ve gone through all the logs for IntServer1 and found the two logs more related to the incident. 

Before I restarted the IntServer1, I found that the following tables were locked:


I’ve checked the errored and failed applications messages. There doesn’t seem to be any abnormal ones. We do have PAGERO (EDI processes) and AutoDeskVault for Cad that use IFS Connect. I’ve verified that there is no problem with the EDI process. AutoDeskVault functions as normal. I am not sure where else I could look into.


Appreciate all your help!



Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @lmwwenxu,

Please have a look at this KBA:

Even though I cannot find the relevant errors in the 2 log files you have attached, this might be related. Please check older log files as well, just in case.

To further investigate the issue, I think it would be best to obtain Thread and Heap dumps the next time the issue occurs and make sure to do that BEFORE restarting the servers. You can find instructions here:

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

@lmwwenxu were you able to identify what was causing the issue? We have a similar issue on our environment and the environment goes down almost every day.

Userlevel 2
Badge +6


Actually I have looked through all the logs in our middleware. There was not much there. 

I am pretty sure the issue with our system was caused by lobbies. Some lobbies constantly get refreshed. You may want to ask your BAs and users to turn the auto refresh off in all your lobbies. 

Hope this helps!




Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Thanks Wen. Our investigation points to lobbies and MWO right now. This is every helpful.
