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Understand that this table only gets populated once someone looks at a part in I P A P.

Is it possible to replicate this in PLSQL so i have data to report on?

TIA Chris.

Hi @chrisplant,

I’ve looked into this view. This view ‘ORDER_SUPP_DEM_EXT_TMP_VIEW’ is built using the table ‘supply_demand_info_tmp’. So if there are data on the table, there should be data on the view.

This table is being populated in the API ‘ORDER_SUPPLY_DEMAND_API’. The procedure used is ‘Add_Sup_Dem_Info___’. Using this method, you can populate the table and the view will be populated accordingly. 

There is another way, which is much easier but, could be problematic if not reverted in time. 

The method used to clean this temp data is in the same API. The procedure is ‘Clear_Old_Snapshots___’. This one fetches the data from the table and sends to ‘Clear_Snapshot___’ procedure for the clearing. So technically, if you comment out the call for ‘Clear_Snapshot___’ in the below lines,

FOR rec_ IN get_old_snapshot_id LOOP      Clear_Snapshot___(rec_.snapshot_id);END LOOP;

You can stop it being cleared, hence the data will stay in the table and the view. Also be mindful that you might need to clear out the data manually after your work is done. If not the table can grow and cause other issues. 

Best Regards,

Thanks Charana,


None of our over FX accounts are set up with this blocked, so it appears the new one (B107) is being set up the original ones when we first went live?