Hi @Yasuda
Could you please let us know which background job throws an error like this? Do you use document search indexes in your environment? You can go to Search domains Window on the application and see if you have Docman enabled in your system
Hi Susumu,
You are right, this is an Oracle related issue affecting version 19c databases created using IFS DBCA template.
Issue: A known IFS Oracle bug when the database is first created in version 19c.
A missing permission invalidates an Oracle database package IFS relies for background jobs, scheduled tasks etc
More details: Package in question - CTXSYS.drvdml
Missing permission set - grant execute on utl_http to public;
This issue can re-occur when an IFS Update is installed as well.
Solution: A SYS Oracle user, add the missing grant in the database:
SQL> grant execute on utl_http to public;
Recompile CTXSYS.drvdml Package and make sure the status shows VALID
This should take care of the errors you are getting in IFS.
Would IFSSYS, FND_RUNTIME, or some other grantee be more appropriate? UTL_HTTP could be used to send data to malicious web sites, so PUBLIC feels too broad.
The above grant is an exact solution listed in Oracle’s Metalink Document, covering this particular issue.
The grant isn’t applied to any IFS related objects/users. May be it can be assigned to CTXSYS user instead of public to see whether the package can be compiled.
I had this problem also and granting execute on package UTL_HTTP to only user CTXSYS solved the issue.
Hi Susumu,
Does the problem solved from those suggestions?
We encountered the same issue. Granting execute on the UTL_HTTP package to only the user CTXSYS resolved it (grant execute on utl_http to CTXSYS;). Thanks to @Srikanth and everyone involved!