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We have recently upgraded to cloud and trying to get the Notify Me App working


For Administrators it is working but for users once they enter their login credentials using single sign on and get this error:

An Error has occurred - SE_UNAUTHORIZED - Insufficient privileges.  internal:2


Have made sure these are granted:


To run IFS Notify Me security groups must be granted to an end user Permission Set via Security Grants to access the Notifications & Stream Types as detailed in Notification Types below. In addition to the notification specific security groups the following security groups also need to be granted to the End Users Permission Set for IFS Notify Me:

•              DocumentManagement

•              MediaLibraryManagement

•              MobileObjectConnectionConfigManagement

•              NotifyMe

•              ReplaceMediaLibraryItem

The User must also have access to the functional role permission set AURENA_NATIVE_RUNTIME to be able to logon to IFS Notify Me


Think it is possibly projection related but not sure how to find out which others we need to grant,  Thanks


Does the administrator also login via single sign on?

Please double check that the end user really has Aurena_Native_Runtime granted to them. 

The security groups needs to be granted to a functional role. Does the user have that functional rule you have granted the security groups to? Again just to double check. 

Hi Johan,  Thanks for the response.  Yes administrator also uses single sign on and double checked your other suggestions and all seems to be correct.  


So is it so that it still doesn’t work for the end users? 

Which notifications are you trying with? As it can be different user permissions within the functionality as well, As an example. Supplier invoice have their on set of permissions within finance and Pucrhasing have theie own set of permissions as well. And both of them are tied to basic data. But if the user can do it in IFS Cloud that is not then the reason for the error. 

Also are you using any LTU licence for the end users? 


