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Our report server includes print agent, crystal web and BR execution server, and we keep getting issues with our crystal reports in which we are getting the following error in IFS:

“No PDF report returned from Crystal Web Service”

If I reboot the server we are then able to print crystal reports again. I need to work out why this keeps happening? 

I have noticed that we had window updates that needed installing, could this cause the issue?

Is it also possible to set-up an alert that emails myself when this happens?

Thank you.


If this works some times and the stops, then it can be a resource issue or a network connection issue which prevents it from accessing the database etc.


Suggest you,

  1. Enable logs and check if there any issues
  2. Install and configure multiple CWS instances
  3. Increase resources in the machine where CWS is install if need
  4. Check Windows event log and check if there are any issue

You have not specified any track so sending all documentation links




IFS Cloud 21R2

Install Crystal Reports Web Service - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud


IFS Cloud 22R1

Install Crystal Reports Web Service - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud

From 22R1 you need to configure the logs from the Aurena page

Crystal Web Service Logs - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud


Hope this helps.






