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Hi All,

Running Apps 10

Our Site MRP has been running successfully since September 19 with no issues, but starting Monday 15th May 2020 a warning message has started to occur:

Error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small occurred while running Snapshot_Part for Site/Part AXIS1/, ABC Class .

Looking at the error, I thought it was an ABC Class issue, but checking all the ABC classes they are all set to C and always have been.

Not sure what to focus on next, any ideas?



That usually is an indication that there is an absence of something in a required field. Given that it happened recently, start looking for either a stray space or line return.  This can happen when data has been copied and pasted into a field and it brings along things that aren’t seen.  If you look at the warning message detail for the MRP Background Job, you may see more detail. Given the portion of the part number you’ve shown in the error, i would focus on the Part = AXIS1 to start.  Was it created or modified on the 15th?  Even though the data looks accurate in the fields, try manually over-typing the same value in some of the suspect fields.  You could then run selective MRP against just that part manually to see if you can see the error differently when it is run manually rather than as a scheduled task.


Firstly thanks for the reply!

After what you said I looked at the error message again, the AXIS1 is the site, it looks like the Part No portion is blank\null?

I have looked at parts created on or after the 14th May and cannot find anything obvious

The error message shown is all that's available in the MRP background job.

OK, I see how I mis-read the error now that you explain what the site is.  So definitely the missing information problem in a field - thought it makes no sense that it is the Part Number missing because it is a required field, but maybe there is something stray somewhere getting hidden through the UI.


Try running this from the SQL Query Tool:

select * from xxxxxxx.inventory_part
WHERE contract = 'AXIS1'
ORDER BY part_no


where xxxxxxx = your database id

This should put the blank or empty part number if there is one at the top.


Beyond that, an Oracle Db Admin to investigate at the table level or put a case into IFS.  

Do you have a recent copy of your production environment to QA or TEST that IFS can troubleshoot against?  You might want to arrange that too in preparation if you aren’t able to find anything through the UI or SQL Query tool.


Weird error for sure.

Thanks for your help on this, we cannot find anything that looks out of the ordinary.

We will proceed to raise a case with IFS


Hi , can anyone help me with the below error - ORA-20111, I have gone through all obvious checks but cannot find the problem . 





Hi Karen, 

You might get better exposure with your question by starting a new topic.  The comment won’t be seen by the larger group unless they’ve subscribed to this topic.

Hi Shawn, its ok I got it resolved by myself.  


Someone had unticked the Include as Supply check box after the shop order had started. 




