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Can someone assist me? Trying to Create a webservice call to update the AvailabilityControl but I want to only modify it for a particular Contract, Part, location, and batch.


I see the documentation at https://ebad-afb-ifstr.ebi.local:53080/main/ifsapplications/apidocs/?openApiUrl=https://ebad-afb-ifstr.ebi.local:53080/int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/InventoryPartInStockHandling.svc/$openapi?V3#tag/Service-Operations-Actions/paths/~1ModifyAvailabilityControl/post


and also see a sample postman WS call but there is nothing about filtering it or only modifying the value a select item or set. Been trying all sorts of filters and getting different vague error messages back. Does someone have a sample modify WS call with a filter? 


Thanks in advance!


Figured it out…..answer here for anyone else.

The URL must only have the base URL and “/ModifyAvailabilityControl”

The filtering is part of the selection statement. I had the following (wtext] for security)


"Selection":"ACTIVITY_SEQ=0^CONFIGURATION_ID=*^CONTRACT=Ncontract number]^ENG_CHG_LEVEL=1^HANDLING_UNIT_ID=0^LOCATION_NO=Ilocation number]^LOT_BATCH_NO=Tbatch no]^PART_NO=Apart no]^SERIAL_NO=*^WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO=*^","NewAvailabilityControlId":null



in this example...I was trying to se the Availability Control ID to null….it worked.
