My guess is that the account running the installation doesn’t have visibility/access to all of the folders that make up the install on either this server or a remote server (I notice this looks like a cluster)
Just because you are running it as an admin does not mean you have access to all folders. There is likely a difference in folder permissions (again, could be local but may possibly also be across servers in the cluster) between the admin account you are using and the other admin account that you say works…. theirs has permissions to a folder or file that yours does not.
Hi @Simon L.,
To add something to Nick’s response above, at this particular step in the installer, it is trying to connect the Weblogic Admin server to verify the password and to do that, it needs to have execute permissions for WLST scripts and jar files.
As the first step, you can check whether the user has “read & execute” permissions for the following file:
There might be others that are missing so you may have to check all the items within //%IFS_HOME%/mw_home/mws/wlserver folder.
Hope this helps!