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Hello everyone,

We have frequently encountered the following pattern in IFS SQL traces:

    result_ background_jobs_handling_svc.entity_dec;

    result_ := background_jobs_handling_svc.crud_delete('*', 8189760, 'DO', deferred_job## => '');

We would like to know how to execute the following directly from SQL Developer:

background_jobs_handling_svc.crud_delete('*', 8189760, 'DO', deferred_job## => '');


When attempting to execute it using a SELECT statement with dual:

select Background_Jobs_Handling_SVC.CRUD_Delete('*', 81897606, 'DO', deferred_job## => '') 
from dual;


We receive the following error: 00000 -  "invalid datatype"*Cause:    The datatype entered in the CREATE or ALTER TABLE           statement is not valid.*Action:   Correct the syntax.Erreur à la ligne 1, colonne 8




Any idea please?


Error you are getting is due to perform the delete inside a select. it has to be in a PLSQL block. However, it’s not a possible to invoke a projection calls inside plsql logic. Check the following topic for more details.

IFS Cloud 22R2: Calling CRUD methods in a service package(SVC) from another Custom Service package | IFS Community


As an alternate, use the server plsql package call ( Deferred_Job_API.Remove__) for your need.

Here’s a sample script to delete a background job.

objid_ VARCHAR2(2000);
objversion_ VARCHAR2(2000);
info_ VARCHAR2(32000);
background_job_id_ NUMBER;

CURSOR get_objidversion IS
SELECT objid, objversion
WHERE job_id = background_job_id_;
background_job_id_ := 282; --background job id to delete
OPEN get_objidversion;
FETCH get_objidversion INTO objid_, objversion_;
CLOSE get_objidversion;
Deferred_Job_API.Remove__(info_, objid_, objversion_, 'DO');

Hope it helps.


Thank’s ​@dsj again :) 

I have attempted to generate multiple background jobs by refreshing the cache


I now have multiple posted jobs : 


I have tried to delete : 82588549


the script was succefful, and the second launche it’s shows : 

ORA-20115: DeferredJob.The "Deferred Job" has already been removed by another user.

But when looking at the screen (after refreshing the page) : 

my job is still posted : 


@IFSRUNINNOVAL Probably it’s due to the commit is missing. by bad :)

Add a commit to the end of the script and try again.


Deferred_Job_API.Remove__(info_, objid_, objversion_, 'DO');





Thank you ​@dsj 
