Hello everyone,
We have frequently encountered the following pattern in IFS SQL traces:
result_ background_jobs_handling_svc.entity_dec;
result_ := background_jobs_handling_svc.crud_delete('*', 8189760, 'DO', deferred_job## => '');
We would like to know how to execute the following directly from SQL Developer:
background_jobs_handling_svc.crud_delete('*', 8189760, 'DO', deferred_job## => '');
When attempting to execute it using a SELECT
statement with dual
select Background_Jobs_Handling_SVC.CRUD_Delete('*', 81897606, 'DO', deferred_job## => '')
from dual;
We receive the following error:
https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-00902/00902. 00000 - "invalid datatype"*Cause: The datatype entered in the CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement is not valid.*Action: Correct the syntax.Erreur à la ligne 1, colonne 8
Any idea please?