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Hi All

We are running IFSv9 Upd16 on Oracle 12c.

Is there a way to see user activity? We would like to know what our users are doing and how often etc.. This will give us a clearer picture of who and when users are on the system and which transactions individuals are involved with most often.

I suspect there isnt an out of the box solution to this, as I am sure I would have tripped over it already.

Perhaps there is a backdoor to such information?

Any guidance is appreciated.



Hi @MikeArbon,
Hope you are doing good !

I guess you are asking something in addition to History Logging ?  History logs could also help based on your requirement (if it’s a functional change or update in fields etc.)
If not please checkout on the following URLs.
Track User Activity or KBA : How to track detailed user activity

Hope these will be helpful.

Best Regards,

Hi Yasas

I should have mentioned History Logging wasnt what I had in mind, although I am sure if I wanted to dive into it, i could probably get a well detailed picture of user activity. I think I was hoping there was something in the Application layer, LU’s accessed per user for example.

Thank you for your help.
