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We have a package that creates summary data into a custom logical unit.   This custom logical unit is used utilized by the lobby list element and the aim is to navigate from this list element to a customer order lines saved search.  

The saved search used the following filter:

trunc(promised_delivery_date) < trunc(sysdate) and state <> 'Cancelled'  
and order_state <> 'Partially Delivered'
and customer_no <> 'CA001' and order_no not like 'Y%'
and &AO.accounting_period_api.get_accounting_year(&AO.site_api.get_company(contract),promised_delivery_date) = &AO.accounting_period_api.get_accounting_year(&AO.site_api.get_company(contract),site) 


The list element navigation is passing the following column values:


It looks like the column values above are being ignored as order lines with that are in an earlier period are being displayed.


Is there a better way to achieve this.

Thank you.

It might not be the solution.  But, try to trace first: 

Have you tried activating the debug console, and check the query statement when the navigated window is populated?  (check whether those 2 fields are in the where condition).


Thank you for your reply.

I had already created the custom fields for both prior to creating the lobby element.