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Hi, I’m exporting lobby pages from one environment to import into another (Cloud 23.1.3).  Several of the lobby pages have link list elements that use datasources on the links.  When exporting the lobby page, some of the datasources make it into the export file but not all (typically more are left out than included).  I have not found anything to let me know why it’s not including all datasources in the export file.  The result is that the lobby page is incomplete when imported into the other environment.  Has anyone else experienced this issue?



did you try to add the lobby page to an ACP?

@Ruchira I did not know it was possible to add a lobby page to an ACP.  How do I do that?



Same issue here, in 24R1-SU1. Extraction fails with Edge and is partial with Chrome. It seems it could be associated to the kind of used datasource or the volume of them.


Not possible to add directly in the zip, it fails loading.


Up to now we delivered it directly without ACP. Did anyone test through this delivery mode ? Is it possible for lobbies ?

Have you @FLE  entered a case to IFS about this issue?

Hi @ovjose, indeed the ticket CS0299617 is opened but feedback is that support pushes for the idea …


Feels a bit abandonned on this topic ☹️

@FLE  It is annoying that this has not been corrected by IFS even though this issue seems to have been around for a very long time (even in versions before IFS Cloud)

@FLE Have you created an idea already? If yes, please share a link. Maybe we can upvote and push IFS to fix it soon

