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Hi All

I have a problem with the Datasource Designer in IFS. I want to create a table which show me different values based on different date / timeperiods. The values which I want to select are all located on the same view. I am able to generate the date in PL/SQL without problems. In PL/SQL I use subquerrys, in which I  use different abbreviations for the same view. 
For example: 
(select round(sum(lo.hours_loaded))
                        from  ifsapp.labor_operation_load lo
                        where lo.labor_class_no = l.labor_class_no
                        and   lo.contract = l.contract
                        and =
                        and   lo.work_day between trunc(sysdate,'iw')and trunc(sysdate + 7,'iw')-1


in this example “l.” usees also the datasource “ifsapp.labor_operation_load”.

As you can see, I use the same datasource in my query. In PL/SQL I receive differnet results for different Labor classes (as wanted). But when I want to create a Lobby Element, I receive only one result for all Labor classes. 

I want tu sum the Hours_loaded for every different Labor class where the work day is in the current week.

Is it possible to crate a list with multiple values where all values are on the same view and each value has a different date condition ?


Thanks for help

If it is easier, could you not write the desired SQL that you want in an Information Access Layer (IAL), you can then reference this IAL in the datasource and pass in a lobby parameters (date/time & labour classes) in the where clause to filter the data accordingly.