Try adding a column containing this:
SELECT listagg(warehouse, '^') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY 1) FROM
(SELECT warehouse
FROM &AO.inventory_part_in_stock i
GROUP BY warehouse)
i get a error message that says missing expression
try putting that whole thing in parentheses ( )
@paul harland
That worked, below is how it is now
Now for the fun part to try to figure out how to exclude warehouses in the condition portion
(SELECT listagg(warehouse, '^') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY 1) FROM (SELECT warehouse FROM &AO.inventory_part_in_stock I WHERE i.part_no = DISTRIBUTION_ORDER.PART_NO AND i.contract = DISTRIBUTION_ORDER.SUPPLY_SITE AND (i.QTY_ONHAND -i.QTY_RESERVED) > 0 GROUP BY warehouse))
(SELECT listagg(warehouse, '^') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY 1) FROM (SELECT warehouse FROM &AO.inventory_part_in_stock I WHERE i.part_no = DISTRIBUTION_ORDER.PART_NO AND i.contract = DISTRIBUTION_ORDER.SUPPLY_SITE AND (i.QTY_ONHAND -i.QTY_RESERVED) > 0
and warehouse not in ('A1','B2','C3')
GROUP BY warehouse))
@paul harland
That works in the column section and it wont list the exluded warehouse, what i am trying is to get it in the SQL Section where it wont even pull the Distro Order at all below is my SQL Condition
(OBJSTATE = (select &AO.DISTRIBUTION_ORDER_API.FINITE_STATE_ENCODE__('Planned') from dual) or OBJSTATE = (select &AO.DISTRIBUTION_ORDER_API.FINITE_STATE_ENCODE__('Released') from dual)) and SUPPLY_SITE = 'C0283' and &AO.Inventory_Part_In_Stock_API.Get_Inventory_Qty_Onhand(SUPPLY_SITE,PART_NO,'*')>0
This gives me a list of all DO’s that are fillable but some warehouses are not true inventory locations that we can use to send to other sites