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Hi Everyone , i post this consult because i have problems with my Custom Entity in Aurena  i try to explain all steps that i follow until now

1.- Create a Custom Lu In IFS , with a CF named Project_id and referencing Project_id Field From Project LU because this Custom LU  Works as detail of Project.

2.- Create a Custom Page in IFS for this Custom LU and i add this custom LU in a Project TAB, for make sure thats works perfectly

3.- give permision set on Custom Projection for this custom Entity on IFS


4.- in Aurena i was create a custom Projection for this custom entity, and in Project Definition Handling i add this Custom Entity and the Key Mapping for Project ID Field.


5.- i proceed to set grant in project Definition Handling  for can Insert, Delete,Update,Search to my new custom entity

6.- I proceed to create the List in Elements of Project Definition Page and Set in my new Test Tab


7.- Then when i save my changes and proceed to consult for a Projectid the page crashes when i try to insert or consult my new custom entity

to consult the custom entity  shows me this error 

"error":{"code":"ODATA_PROVIDER_ERROR","message":"An internal server error occurred. Contact administrator.","details":e{"code":"EXPRESSION_PROPERTY_NOT_IN_TYPE","message":"The property 'CustProjeData_Project_Id_Ref', used in a query expression, is not defined in type 'Project'."}]}}

then if i try to insert  shows me this error :

rl (parameters included) =;path=0.1731531774.1886945984.458817809;$filter=;record=KFByb2plY3RJZD0nMDI1Mjg3OTQ2Jyk%3D

Error stack:
Uncaught (in promise): robject Undefined]
Error: Uncaught (in promise): robject Undefined]
    at k (
    at l.invoke (
    at Object.onInvoke (
    at l.invoke (
    at (
    at l.invokeTask (
    at Object.onInvokeTask (

{"error":{"code":"ODATA_PROVIDER_ERROR","message":"An internal server error occurred. Contact administrator.","details":c{"code":"UNKNOWN_PART","message":"The part 'IfsApp.ProjectDefinitionHandling.CustProjeData.Default' is not defined."}]}}


I dont know if i missing an Important part, please let me know if someone knows how can i solve this problem.


Thanks for the Help




Can you elaborate above step 6 (exact steps you followed add the tab ) & step 7 (in which section of the page you do the changes & type of the change (insert/update/delete) you followed.

Hi @HumbertoFloresD ,


Under Details of the Tab 'List , set the Datasource from the drop down. Also if you want to have the Parent’s key mapped, as in your case Project ID. Set the Binding Property as well.





HI @HumbertoFloresD, were you able to resolve this issue?
