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I created a new custom tab BONDS to add to Customer Order Page  in  aurena  i created a  page configuration and projection conf.  

and i created a key link with project Entity.

Projection configuration :  

The page is linked to a projection : MaPage

Page details config : 

in the page designer of the custom Page . the selector & list are added . 

1st Question : in bonds selector i put Order_no as Label But the custom Field is cf$_Order_no ( can this cause a conflict ?)


im wondring if i need to add somthing on bonds List


My issue No 1 :  is when i refrech the custom Page (Mapage) to valide if the data is availlable on the custom Page 

i can’t see the data : 


The issue is resolved . 


But when  i Go to Aurena page where I want to add the table /tab

Get page designer

can’t Create a list with entity I created (BONDS) above. Can’t see it on the entities List :


Hi @jzouaoui ,

As I understood, you wish to attach your new page to the Customer Order window.

For that you need to configure ‘CustomerOrderHandling’ projection.


@MitDenukN  Thank you so much , But  can’t find the Bonds Selector property  to add from the binding as you see below : 

The selector : Contact


The Bonds List : 


Hi @jzouaoui , So you have added your new entity as Selector in All Elements.

Then you need to expand the Active Page and add selector element.

According to your example, you should select Contact.

Then click on the new selector element to add content.


@MitDenukN  Thank you so much 🙂 it’s working 

Hi @jzouaoui , Glad to hear it’s working 😊
