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I am currently trying to run IFS Business Reporter and learn some of the basic, but when I try to pull data from my information sources, I have nothing returning. However, in IFS Cloud there are balances and data in the sources I’m pulling from. I’ve tried multiple different account type but always return a zero value. Is there some permission or setting somewhere in IFS that I need to update? Also, whenever I am putting in row repeaters, the only way that I can get any data at all to return to me is if I select the ALL checkbox on my Design Row Options. This isn’t what is described in the IFS Business Reporter training. Lastly, whenever I am trying to use the sheet repeater, a report that was otherwise working will break and no new sheets are created. Even if it’s an information source that I have already confirmed returns a value in other testing. 


I think that your questions are about IFS Cloud.  You have posted into the Alliance community and it is not likely to get a response because the  users in that community mostly do not know anything about IFS Cloud.  Please repost your query into the correct forum so you can get a response.


We have moved the subject Framework & Experience (Infrastructure, Cloud, Integration, Dev Tools)

Thank you.

@CodyC If you’re only seeing the issue for finance reports that use the Accounting Structures, it could be that the structure isn’t correctly reference in the report or it is not set to Active. 

Using the All checkbox should only include records that would normally be excluded due to lack of data.

On the sheet repeater question, it’s hard to know what the issue may be.  Maybe if you include a few more details, someone will be able to help?

Cody, thank you for marking the best answer, it improves search experience and helps other members of Community.
