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Is it possible, or does anyone know how to invoke an informational toast message from a workflow?

We are currently not supporting the toaster through Workflow. However, you can use a validation type workflow with a "Failure end event" to display a validation Warning message as a toast.




Hi Øyvind.


As Yohan indicates information messages are not currently supported via workflows. Unfortunately, as far as I know, if you implement that information message with “Failure end event” you will interrupt the transaction so this is more like a validation message instead of an information message. 


Usually information message are just for letting the user know that something is happening but the transaction continues. If that is your case, maybe you can explore the User Interaction workflow:


In this kind of workflow you could pop-up a window with a non-editable textbox showing the message you want the user to view. It will have a button for the user to continue once the message is read. 


Thank you much.
Best regards.

Thanks, but using the User Interaction halts the process, and that is not wanted. Would it be possible to go by a custom action on a projection, or a sql event to do this?

Hi Øyvind.


Could you provide details about what you want to achieve? You don’t have to be very deep in the details but I want to know what is the logic for showing or not the information message, what the user is expected to do when the information message is shown and what is the transaction behavior in both situations, when the information message is shown and when it’s not.


Well, maybe the information message will be shown at all times. If that is the case, please indicate so. And also what happens next. Information message is shown and transaction is committed?


Thank you much.
Best regards.


Hi Gonzalo

From the top of my head, something like this would be nice. This could also be used in combination with the existing end event for error handling.



Hi Øyvind.

Information messages are not supported at the moment. Just think for a second how that would work…. Imagine you have:


Start → Task 1 -→ Info Message → Task 2 → Info Message → Finish


Your workflow above starts by running the Task 1 which completes in milliseconds then shows a toast message, then Task 2 executes in milliseconds and Info Message is shown (most probably will have to be stacked on top of the previous Info Message)


I don’t see a good user experience with this pattern. Maybe that’s why only Validation Workflow is able to show one single toast message to indicate the failure message and then workflow ends and transaction rollback.


The only option here is to explore User Interaction workflows and see if that fits your needs. If it doesn’t, then only a modification will be able to handle the requirement:


→ Run the light task and notify the user with a toast message about the action has been run and completed.

→ Run the heavy task as a background job and show a toast message indicating that the task has been posted to be executed.


As far as I know, the above can only be achieved by doing a modification.


Thank you much.
Best regards.

