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I am trying to receive a line on the Incoming dispatch advice using REST. All the API’s use Objkey but not able to find which call actually returns the Objkey for the line. Any ideas on how to achieve this would help a lot.



@SN03 I just tried now to receive an Incoming Dispatch Advice and this is the POST API that’s been trigerred:

With the below payload:

MessageId: "10901"
DelnoteNo: "5071"
ReceiptReference: "5071"
Contract: null
LocationNo: null
ReceiveToDefaultLocations: "TRUE"
UseSourceLineRevision: "FALSE"
DiffRevInTransit: null
CurrencyDate: "2024-11-26T13:00:44Z"

So, I guess you could execute this via REST Call just by knowing the DelnoteNo or MessageId


Hi, ​@Marcel.Ausan  - This call creates the receipt at the header level. I want to receive at the PO line level. I want to do line by line not the entire dispatch advice.

Hi ​@Marcel.Ausan  - To add to this, on the debug log there is CreateReceiptAssistant but cannot figure out how the Objkey is returned.
