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Hi All,


In Developer Studio we are getting following error while importing "fmw_12." file. we are performing this action using “Run as administrator Mode.


Kindly guide us on the same.



Vivek NR.

Hi @VivekNR,

I hope following information would help you to resolve the issue.


The issue is caused by a space in the Oracle_Home location path name (i.e Oracle Home).
When there is a space anywhere in the name, the code breaks at that point and does not read the rest of the path name.


Eliminate spaces from the Oracle Home environment variable name.
Eliminating spaces will allow the code to read the entire address and function correctly. Use alphanumeric, underscore (_), hyphen (-), or dot (.) characters, and it must begin with an alphanumeric character.

Example: Oracle_Home


  1. Go to the Environment Variables Window
    1. Windows 7: Go to Start Menu --> Right-Click Computer --> Properties --> Advanced System Settings --> Environment Variables
    2. Windows 10: At the bottom on the task bar where it says Type to Search, Type environment, in the list there will be an option to Edit the System Environment Variables
  2. On the bottom pane for the System Variables find the Oracle Home environment variable
  3. Select Edit
  4. Remove any spaces in the variable name and add either an underscore or have the name without spaces
  5. Confirm all windows and reinstall WebLogic



@Jeewaka Padmapriya Thank you, It worked.