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Does anyone have a migration job that can import User Grants, i.e. User link to Permission Sets.

(I am not referring to the IMPORT EXPORT USER GRANTS function below, but rather a MIG job that can import this from an Excel, text or csv)



We use PL/SQL when we need to do a lot of this.

   fnd_user_role_api.set_role('USER1', 'PERMISSION_SET1', TRUE);
   fnd_user_role_api.set_role('USER1', 'PERMISSION_SET2', TRUE);
   fnd_user_role_api.set_role('USER2', 'PERMISSION_SET1', TRUE);
   fnd_user_role_api.set_role('USER2', 'PERMISSION_SET2', TRUE);

If you don't like that, you might consider building your own import XML. I’m attaching a template you might use to do this in Excel.

You can use FND_USER_ROLE_API in a migration job. If you need to grant more than one role you’d need to have multiple records in the Method List, something like below.


Thanks to both. We have a user that has access to several EU roles. I think MIG job could work easier.

I will also post if I have any other solutions I come across.

Our input file looks something like below

