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we are not able to login  in IFS it says already that user logged in another PC .even not logged on any other PC  in IFS9


Any idea to resolve  the same

Hi - I have seen this before, once we had a session that was stuck and despite restarting the workstation that IFS said it was logged in to we still got the same message. I logged a case or somehow asked someone technical at IFS and there is a table that stores these values. We ere told it was OK to remove the affected row and this resolved the issue. It was something like FND_CLIENT_LOGIN_TAB but unfortunately I cannot quite remember exactly what the table was. 

I’ve seen this issue in the past when the user has logged in to Business Analaytics and didn’t log out. The solution for this was to go in to the database and delete the record related to the user in the fnd_client_logon_tab

Ha ha @david.harmer  we’ve tried to beat the clock!  How are you doing mate?

I’ve seen this issue in the past when the user has logged in to Business Analaytics and didn’t log out. The solution for this was to go in to the database and delete the record related to the user in the fnd_client_logon_tab


Note the spelling error in my post, LOGON instead of LOGIN, @malik.sally is correct, in fact Malik it was probably you who i referred to as “someone technical at IFS”. I am all good thanks. I hope you are well. 



Two Options,

  1. Services issue (Restart services)
  1.  fnd_client_logon_tab

Remove user from said table




@saravanan ,


This kind of situation can occur when a user did not log off from the IFS Applications properly. eg:- Shutting down the PC without closing IEE client, killing the process corresponding to IEE client in a situation where it is not responding. In such situations there can  be sessions without getting cleared. 

In that case the user will not be able to log in and the application will show a message to say the user is already logged in until that session information will be automatically cleared after a HTTP timeout.

In order to manually clear the above session information, please log in the database directly and inspect the table ‘FND_CLIENT_LOGON_TAB’ to find any record existing regarding the particular user. You can use DIRECTORY_ID and OS_USER columns to find the corresponding record for the particular user. If you find such a record please directly delete it from the database table and check whether it solves the issue.

1. Login to database using PLSQL Developer or any other SQL developer tool using application owner account (IFSAPP).
2. Query "fnd_client_logon_tab" in the database (use SQL statement "SELECT * FROM fnd_client_logon_tab") and see if the user who is getting the mentioned error is specified there.
3. If you see the mentioned users, delete the entries for corresponding users from above table using below SQL (for <USER_ID>, mentioned the ID for the user who is getting the error.)

DELETE FROM fnd_client_logon_tab
WHERE directory_id = '<USER_ID>';

We are recommending to try this using  PLSQL Developer or any other SQL developer tool instead of the IFS Application SQL Query Tool

Hi All,
Please refer main KBA and comment any additional steps that may have helped you :)

@saravanan @david.harmer @malik.sally 

Best Regards,

Currently I am doing the process  of Fnd_client _logon_tab deletion but we are not getting permanent fix for the same.