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Hi Everyone,


I am using IFS APP10 UPD 13. I am trying to access some data via web url using the link generated from “copy data link”


If I access the url from browser, it works fine. ie - it requests password authentication such as below:


However, if I try the same on MS Office app such as Power BI, it failed for both Basic & Organizational account authentication:


Please advise.


Best Regards


Self Answer


I have resolved my issue. 2 conditions must be met:

  1. In App10, in user Directory ID I should remove “” to make Basic Authentication work for the user.
  2. Then on API explorer on Aurena, make sure the relevant projection of the API link you want to use has been “Included in compatibility application type”.


Once both are met, you can use the link with “int” in your external application such as PowerBI, using basic authentication.

