Hi Neno,
Please raise a case towards IFS about it. I have already informed my team but always good to have a case as well.
Case G2256162 is created in LCS
@JOOLSE we got the event log from uplink server via the LSC case and it has the following warning :
any advice on this ?
Error registering Uplink '' with IFS Application Server 'http://ap-osl04.no.centric.lan:58080' running as 'IFSMOBILITY'.
Unexpected error while calling server method UplinkServices/RegisterUplinkURL
but even after this warning it seems to be running correctly as following:
{4} 19-4-2021 14:30:09: Registering Uplink '' with Application Server 'http://ap-osl04.no.centric.lan:58080' running as 'IFSMOBILITY'
{4} 19-4-2021 14:30:09: IFS Application Server is responding.
{4} 19-4-2021 14:30:09: Checking Application Server availability: 'http://ap-osl04.no.centric.lan:58080'
'test9.centric.eu' - Endpoint created:
@Subash Perera We need the case in order to check it our properly . It is very hard to do that with the above invormation. I checked a bit un the availability of Azure cloud and northern Europe had some kind of incident between 9 and 10 AM yesterday. After that I could not see that there were no problem.
IFS Touch Apps Cloud worked fine since Tuesday (it is Thursday today) and since both PROD and TEST environment was affected at same time most logical explanation is that there was some kind of issues in IFS Touch Apps Cloud infrastructure.
Is there any way to check health status of IFS Touch Apps Cloud (besides to directly email to JOOLSE )?
Hi Neno,
We are running the IFS Touch Apps Cloud in Azure cloud and what i usually do is to check the status of the azure cloud, to wee wether there has been any incident in the cloud we are using, We seldom do new releases of the IFS Touch Apps Cloud to Azure cloud, even if we did when late March.