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I have installed the latest version of IFS Report Designer.
When I try to open a layout available on my computer, I get this error:

What should I do?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards.


If the layout is for old version such as APP9 or APP10, it might not work sometimes in later versions, so could you please try out openning the layout using old IFS report designer versions? 

Best regards,



I can't even get my layout back, my file explorer won't open...
Thanks for your help.


Can anyone help me?
The subject is very urgent.
Thank you in advance.

@TheoB what version of IFS Report Designer do you use?

Which layout are you trying to open? Is it a standard one, or something custom you have created? Which is the IFS Cloud version?


Thanks for your reply.

I'm using the latest version: 200.3.0000

In fact it doesn't matter, if I click on the first button or the second, I always get the same error: 


@TheoB I use 200.2.0002 and I don’t have any issues. Maybe you could try it out? I see it’s still available for download in IFS Developer website:

IFS Developer Portal


Hi @Marcel.Ausan,

Thank you for your reply.
I've just installed it and unfortunately I'm getting the same error...


Could an IFS employee answer my question?
The subject is more than urgent.
Thank you very much.

@TheoB , this seems like a bug, I've reported it on case CS0210725.

You get this error when opening locally, but also while fetching it from the server. This renders this version of report designer useless.

This version seems a bit broken. Connecting to an environment when already logged in also causes a issue to me in version 200.3.0000. As Marcel suggested, I would recommend going back to the previous version.
